The drive into the city was about 20 minutes, and was really enjoyable. We took the highway, and I only struggled with the idea of driving on the other side of the road. The steering wheel is also on the other side of the car from the US, like in England. Not that I've not seen this before in movies, or was particularly surprised by it, but just had a 'woahhhhhh' moment' as I started to process exits, turns, one way streets, etc. Everyone has said that the drivers in Cape Town are notoriously bad, but I haven't really seen that yet. There was a wide variety of housing, the most of which stood out was the makeshift townships lined along the road.
Here are some photos from the travel, including a photo of the setup I described from my first flight.
Onto my home! I met my landlord when I arrived, she was waiting along with some other roommates that arrived the day before. I carefully read over some stuff, and signed my lease. I need to pay my deposit and rest of the rent sometime today, I think. Anyhow, the house is beautiful. Even more impressive than what I was expecting. It had a nice living room, sizable kitchen, and super cool backyard. As I mentioned before, we have a swimming pool. I haven't used it yet, but will soon.
My bedroom is pretty nice also. I have a full or queen size bed, desk, night stand with shelves, and armoire type thing. The armoire locks, so I can secure stuff (a number of friends asked if I'd be able to). It even uses an old style skeleton key, as do many of the doors and gates around the house and yard. Our yard is enclosed with a gate (including electronic buzzer like my apartment), and the backyard has a concrete wall with barbed wire. The whole place is wired with a security system, with motion sensors throughout the house, bedrooms, and yard. This made me feel a bit better when I arrived. Also... each of the 8 roommates has a small remote panic button. It looks like a car door remote, but with one red button. It triggers the alarm system remotely and calls for response from the security company. I'm not sure if this makes me feel better or worse. Better because we have it... worse because there may be a necessity? And most of you know that one of my greatest fears is calling 911 and not having them respond. Forget the fact that the emergency number here is 10111, or that I don't even have a phone yet, now I'll just worry about not having that remote or have it not work. I jest though, I'm not too concerned about it.
Arnold Street Photos:
I've got 7 roommates. Two are from UW-Madison, two are from University of Michigan, one from Vancouver, one from Germany, and one from the Netherlands. The place is great, though, and each of us have unique rooms. The two upstairs have lots of closet space and skylights. The two caveats so far are 1) electricity and 2) some bugs. We just had the lights trip the breaker a lot last night... like about 20 times. Maybe we need to learn something about how to do things better, but there wasn't much plugged in. And there were some bugs that we killed, they may or may not have been cockroaches in the kitchen.
After getting here and meeting though, a few of us went out to get some non-airplane food. Things are so cheap... we went to a sit down place, and I got a pasta meal for like $4.50 US. Then we went to a grocery store. I bought an adapter for my laptop first and foremost, then went onto less essential things like food and water. :-)
Got some juice, fruits, cereal, milk, butter, pasta, sauce, etc. No Hamburger or Tuna helper to my dismay. No corned beef hash. What am I going to do here? We headed back to our place, and the jet lag had caught up with me. I crashed and slept a few hours in my room. Internet is expensive, and limited. Each of us have logons that work independently on our wireless router through Skyrove Internet. You purchase credit that represents megabytes, I paid about $51 US for like 1.8 GB or so. LAME.
Later on in the night, we had our first welcome braai (bbq), with chicken and sausage on our grill in the backyard. Then headed off to the bars on Lower Main Road. We went to a pretty busy place with pool tables. The boys beat the girls in pool three times... ouch. We weren't that great though. Alcohol is cheap here, too. Most drinks, including beer, are about $1.50. It made for a fun night. Anyhow, we headed home at about 2am, in a group of course, and hit the hay. My first day in Obz was tiring, and I've still not really recovered from the jet lag.
Thanks for reading though, and for the comments on the last post! I like hearing who is reading. It wouldn't let me respond with the internet being spotty yesterday. Lastly... I haven't told my roommates about my Snuggie yet. I'd like them to know me personally before I reveal that little gem. lol. They'll find my blog, though, and know all about it.
Shaunski, your pictures are amazing and I am jealous. I am glad I got to speak with you and hear about some of your adventure so far. :) I'll be sending you something soon so that you get it before you leave South Africa.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the incredible details Shaun! I'm glad you arrived safely and with the Snuggie still intact. Please mention in the blog what is easiest/best way for you to get contact (i.e. should I email you, facebook message, send a telegraph or carrier pigeon or comment on your blog?)
ReplyDeleteTake care!
I'm really happy for you! Your trip sounds amazing, and I will definitely be watching out for updates from you. You may also see my ex-roommate Laura Quist around!
ReplyDeleteKeep well,
So glad you arrived safely! Your house is AMAZING! I love all of the pictures. Take care :)
ReplyDeletethat house seems most excellent. I look forward to future posts.
ReplyDeletewhere will you get burritos?
ps this is Katie De Matthew idk how this is going to work from my lj account
You might want to get to know them before you reveal the Snuggie because they might try to STEAL it! Careful with your rarity. Your place looks really nice, and I'm glad to hear your flights went so well. Lastly, with regard to your power situation, I know how to fix it: Don't open the fridge while Jill is blow-drying her hair. That always worked for us in my apartment.
I was really excited to see you posted something when i got home last night. unfortunately i was too drunk to read it.
ReplyDeleteThe house looks really nice, and those bed sheets scream shaun. I hope you plan on taking them when you leave.
So I'm totally jealous of about everything except the bugs and jetlag. Oh, and Eric is totally right about the sheets being you. Have a blast and don't get too drunk w/o your 9mm on you.
ReplyDeleteSausage, eggs AND bacon on the plane! Lucky you! That's more meat than I get in a week.
ReplyDeleteNo hamburger helper or corny beef hash means you're going to have to eat real food:)
Keep the posts coming. Good stuff.
Hey Shaun, Henk here from Skyrove WiFi Hotspots.
ReplyDeleteI pride myself on the fact that Skyrove offers affordable internet. If you were using Vodacom 3G, our main competition, 1.8 GB will cost you R3600! (352 USD). And it expires within 30 days!
For infrastructure (and historic) reasons, we're not as cheap as US ISPs, but we're working on it!
10111? If I found that out, I would have first bought lots of cheap food and then said "Byeee" like Sarah Palin and got on a plane to go home...
ReplyDeleteBut seriously, your place looks great and I hope all of your roommates are fun.
P.S: Don't pick your toe nails in front of them.