So, I suppose I should start this off. For those of you that don't know by now, I've decided to keep this blog in an effort to stay in touch with friends and family while I'm abroad in Cape Town, and also have a way to relay my experiences in a more dedicated spot. I'll be there until late June, so I'd really like to stay connected to people.
Of all the things that I've been thinking about in preparing for Cape Town, one of the only things that I'm in the dark about is the internet. So, while I know that I'll be able to update this blog, I'll probably be limited in my ability to video chat, Skype, and probably Facebook too. My limit at the University of Cape Town is something like 200mb per month, and in my house I'll be paying by the MB I think. Ouch.
Anyhow, I've haven't been able to update everyone on what I do know, so here's what I've got:
- I'll be living in a neighborhood called Observatory, or affectionately known as Obz in Cape Town. My house has 7 other international students, and the landlord is a scuba instructor. So, he put an in-ground pool in the backyard for instructing and certifying people. So I'm all about that right now. There is also a barbecue, and I'm on the first floor.

- I had my travel clinic with UHS about a week and a half ago. Mostly she just listed off the many ways in which I can expect to die, including (but not limited to) Hepatitis, Polio, TB, Tetanus, car wrecks, extreme traveler's diarrhea, etc... I ended up getting 6 shots, some malaria medicine (the kind that thankfully doesn't lead to night terrors or suicidal ideation), and like 6 super tablets for traveler's diarrhea "episodes."
- I'll be finishing my African Studies Certificate that began here at UW. I'll also be doing some work on my Communication Arts major. More importantly though, I plan on only taking like 12 credits so I can enjoy more than school.
- I'll be living close to the night life. Good for fun, maybe bad for crime or general debauchery. At Kate Lev's instruction I will be eating at the restaurant "Fork".
One thing is for absolute sure though, I'm so excited. And I hate moving my things, so I just want to get this next part over with. :-)
Just checking back and no one else posted so here I go... Your blog has been super amazing. I have laughed, yes even cried, and was occasionally grossed out by some of your posts. who knew when you were creating this just what an experience you were in for. Stay safe and have fun. (March 13,2009) Mrs. T