
Thursday, May 7, 2009

An Antibiotic, a Probiotic, and Date Changes

Today, my countdown to Wisconsin was upped from 47 days to 55 days. My brother Erik recently landed an internship in Hamburg, Germany, so he and Jana will be moving there until August. Since I will be going through London in late June already, I've decided to spend a week with them while visiting Germany in the process. I've never been to Europe, and the convenience of adding another small flight to my itinerary was too good to pass up. After consulting with my brother, my travel agent, my boyfriend, my boss, and my sangoma, I've moved the flights!

Shaun Trip to London, Hamburg, and back home to Chicago
I'll be getting home on July 1st.

This, however, presents a few logistical issues. First, my blog is called "Aukland in
Africa." Can I blog about my trip home? I won't be in Africa. Also, does my adventure end when I leave Cape Town, or when I arrive in Chicago? Likewise, when should my countdown end? I've thought long and hard about these questions, and you can probably guess my decision since I have already changed my countdown. Despite the name of my blog, it is still intended to cover my time abroad, and Germany is still abroad. So you can expect some updates from the glorious land of beer and bratwurst. Well, that's Wisconsin, but I'll be sure to report on Germany also.

On a more personal note, I have had an earache for about six weeks now. I was ignoring it for quite a while, because it wasn't
so bad. I'm sure that diving in Mozambique made it worse, but I thought it would go away. My right ear has now been hurting badly when I burp our hiccup, and is also more sensitive to pressure, to the point that I need to pop my ears and equalize the pressure just to get from upper campus to lower campus at UCT. Anyway, I went to the Student Wellness Center to have it looked at. The visit was free since I'm a student, and the nurse even prescribed me Amoxicillin, costing just over $1 for the five full days. Score!

My stomach has also been hurting lately, maybe I have some type of bug. For this, she recommended a probiotic. At first, I thought it would be counter-productive to be on an antibiotic and a probiotic, like putting a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the same room and just letting them battle it out, but I guess they will both help. Here's to feeling better.

Reuteri Probiotic Intestinal Flora.JPG
Brought to you by Thebe Pharmaceuticals

It's weird being in a country where you aren't familiar with any of the medications. There are a few brands that are available from the US, but not many. For instance, I went into the pharmacy looking for Neosporin for a cut, and couldn't find it. After going to the pharmacist, the had no idea what I was talking about, and actually looked at me like I could be a terrorist. I threw words around like "ointment" "salve" and "antibacterial". Eventually a light turned on, and they grabbed me a tube of Bactroban. However, they needed my name, address, and phone number before it could be sold. I'm still not sure why. Pills are usually not coated, and I'm taking Compral and Paracetamol for headaches lately (they taste
disgusting). I just love Advil, including the taste!

I was really happy with the medical care though, she was knowledgeable and I had no problems. Another study abroad student jammed her finger a few months ago, it was crooked, so she went to the doctor. His response was, "Not everybody is perfect, darling." She was appalled and went to another doctor, only to get a less than satisfactory solution this time. Another guy went to the doctor and was prescribed too many medications, ones that he would need to buy at their "in-house" pharmacy. This included some pills that would help his body handle all the others. Sounds a bit suspect to me. These are generally the private clinics though, the public hospitals and doctors here are phenomenal, I hear.

Unfortunately for me, my night dive was cancelled for the second week in a row. Very unfortunately. This might actually be a good thing for my ear, but it's a bad thing for my adventure-seeking and desire to get out of the house. Last week, the weather was too poor, and this week we didn't have enough people available because of classes. In its place, though, I've been promised a wreck dive this Sunday. Provided that it isn't cancelled, I'm excited see a shipwreck and to tell stories about it.

From my living room, wearing my British Airways blanket and having just finished watching Anoop and 'Lil get voted off of American Idol, I bid you adieu.

I'll leave you with an amusing series of photos of my friend Jamie from our trip to his house in Breede River, where we had a great weekend of debauchery. Highlights included amazing sunsets, traditional South African potjie (said poykie), the largest spider I've ever seen outside of a cage, and watching Jamie and Cartsen get sprayed with fire extinguishers. If you'd like to see an album of the photos, click on Jamie.

Animation of Jamie eating carrots at Breede River
Jamie is silly. Click him to see our Breede River photos.


  1. You forgot to include the butchering of a rabbit in your list of debauchery...... Also, I don't know who this Jamie fellow is, but that sequence of pictures terrifies me.

  2. PS: I hope you are back in time for my birthday celebrations!!! (July 7) It wouldn't be the same without you.

  3. crap, shaun! july 1st is the day i will be moving and stuff. hopefully i can work it out. i want to be at the airport when you come home.

  4. I hope the probiotics work! I know there are a bunch of different brands with different strains of bacteria (at least in the states). If the ones you have don't work try something with "Bacillus coagulans" because that is the only one that makes my stomach better.

  5. Sangoma is an herbal practioner. Drink lots of water with the antiobiotics and probiotics. If your stomach is bothering you drink ginger tea. Very soothing for the gut. Always enjoy our talks on the phone Shaun. You are an exceptional young man! Mama is very proud. Love you. So looking forward to going to Madtown this weekend.

  6. I've finished both medicines. Thanks for the tips guys, I'm feeling better now. The nurse wants to check on me now that I'm done with them... but it is such a hassle to take the bus there. We'll see.
