
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Refills on TV Shows and Sentiments

On Friday afternoon, I was confronted at my mailbox by two package slips from the post office. Both had my name on them, which was odd because I was only expecting one, and with great anticipation I might add. I got home too late to pick them up, so was faced with waiting until Saturday to retrieve my gifts (one of which was still mysterious).

On Saturday afternoon, I headed out to the next suburb to pick them up. I was handed two bubble wrap packages, one from my boyfriend Matthew, and the other from the Wisconsin Alumni Association. I jogged home in the rain, eager to open them up. I first found a stack of photos that when pieced together formed a message from Matt. I thought I'd share:

Matt Misses Shaun University of Wisconsin Bascom Hall Memorial Union Terrace Abraham Lincoln Lake Mendota

It was very touching. If you're wondering where each of the photos were taken, here you go:
  • The first is in my office at my (former) desk. Since I'm expected to return in some capacity, it hasn't changed much. You can see my Disney Rafiki doll in the background, and my calendars plastered across the wall. The cutout of my face was made by one of our staff members to represent me at the staff social. I thought it was creative, but maybe a tad creepy. (Good work, Carl)
  • The second is at the Memorial Union Terrace, the huge patio/bar on the University of Wisconsin's campus, overlooking Lake Mendota. We sit here in the summer, drink, play games, and listen to live music. Truly sensational.
  • The third is in front of Bascom Hall, our flagship building on campus. It is similar to Jameson Hall on UCT's campus. We have a large Abe Lincoln statue in front of it.
  • Lastly, the sailboats in front of Lake Mendota on campus. Although I have no idea how, my roommate takes us out sailing in the summer.
Also in the photo envelope were pictures from WASB... basically my pride and joy of involvement on campus at home. It stands for the Wisconsin Alumni Student Board, and I'm missing them all a lot.

Wisconsin Alumni Student Board WASB Misses You Too!

That was a neat surprise, to get a message from everyone. I'm missing my stripes! By the way, the guy on the very bottom is my Badger Buddy Andrew, or the WASB member that mentored me when I first joined. He's currently studying abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina... which makes it even cooler that he sent a photo.  I love you guys!

Back to the packages! WASB sent me a shirt from "All Campus Party", one of our main projects on campus (see below). I also received DVD's from Matt with the most recent ten episodes of The Office and Pushing Daisies season two. I'm all refilled on television distractions!  As you can see, I'm a proud Badger!! And I'm missing my boyfriend, my fellow WASB's, my friends back home, and my alma mater.

While storm chasing yesterday!

The above picture was taken in the midst of intense, salty winds at Sea Point on the ocean yesterday. Some friends and I were storm chasing along the coast, checking out all the foam and violent waves. It was a good time for a reply.  Perhaps a blog post on it later. Again, thanks guys. Peace!


  1. AWWW so sweet. all of that made my heart feel so full.

    i miss you, too! i can't wait to see you.

  2. In the ways of Facebook: "Lucy likes this"

  3. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR ACP SHIRT ARRIVED AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME! I sent them to all the abroaders a week before ACP and you're the first person I heard of getting one. Hope you like it!

  4. While Carl wore the mask, Eric takes the credit for its creation!

  5. that wasb one is really cool. especially since that dude did it from a different country.
