
Friday, June 5, 2009

Two Weeks of Traveling, and Back To Moz

School's. Out. For. Winter.

This means that I have 18 days until I depart the shores of South Africa, and I have crafted an intense itinerary to keep me busy until that time. It is only now in the wee hours of the morning, as I gaze upon the amount of packing that I need to do that I realize how hectic the next four weeks of my life will be. I won't be still for very long! Not only will things be restless, but probably expensive as well. This is study abroad, though, so that's to be expected. It's time to make memories.

Shaun's June Travels
For scale, this distance is like driving from Milwaukee to Key West.

During this time, I will have limited access to the internet. I will be bringing my laptop, but I'm not sure how often I'll get the net or if I'll be able to do blog posts. Nonetheless, I've created the nifty illustration above to show where I'll be going.

Here is my rough itinerary. I write this not to bore you with the specifics, but rather to let you check in on where I might be, barring any major itinerary changes or typical Mozambican unexpectedness.
  • June 6: Carsten and I will drive his truck to Johannesburg, with our sights set on the lands of Moz. It takes a full day, so leaving at 6am will have us there by nighttime. We'll stay at a backpacker's in Joburg.
  • June 7: We'll depart Joburg, headed toward Kruger National Park. This is the internationally famous reserve, noted for its big safari animals like lions, zebras, elephants, giraffes, and water buffalo. I'm intent on seeing these things before I leave, and this will be the perfect opportunity. We'll hopefully stay in the park on this night.
  • June 8: Depart for Mozambique, with particular attention paid to avoiding riots at the border. My passport will hopefully not be in a lion's stomach, and more hopefully I will not be either. We will drive all the way to Tofo, Mozambique on the coast, which is the place I stayed last time.
  • June 8-June 10: Staying in Tofo. Perhaps I will buy more Mozambican pants? I was already shouted at by my mother for not getting her a pair.
  • June 10-June 14: Sean will fly up and meet us. We depart for his dive center in Morrungulo, Mozambique, which is about two hours north.
  • June 14: Goodbye Mozambique! No chicken bus this time, I'm flying back to Johannesburg via a small plane! Anneli will meet me in Johannesburg, and we will begin our South African adventures. (Well, resume them to be more accurate).
  • June 14-19: Anneli and I will do sightseeing and have fun in and around Johannesburg and Soweto. We'll be staying in a few backpackers, maybe we'll rent a car. The Apartheid Museum? Youth Day Celebrations? Who knows where the wind will take us!? (Or the very cold nights in Joburg).
  • June 19-June 20: We've decided to take the train back to Cape Town! It's tourist class, so we'll have a sleeper cabin and a dining car. It feels like Darjeeling Limited already. I can hardly wait. Which is good, because the trip takes 26 hours. Waiting will be important.
Upon return, I will have three days until I depart South Africa. I'm already tired typing it, but moreover tired from packing. Clothes for warm weather, cold weather, rainy weather, boring weather, this will be varied.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to finish packing. The drive to Mozambique is the same distance as Milwaukee to Key West, but on worse roads. I need my beauty sleep for this one.


  1. That sounds so cool. Have a great time!

  2. Shaun, Have a great time. David and I are jealous. But not so much, because we're preparing for the zombie march. I hope packing alone wasn't too traumatic. I'll help you pack for Disney if it helps.

  3. I forgot to mention that I'm taking doxycycline as my malaria medicine now. After my experience with malarone last time... no way.

    I'm safe in Tofo, everyone! We're picking up Sean in about a half hour from the mini-airport, and going to Morrungulo tomorrow. I did go through Kruger, albeit for a short amount of time. We got stuck in bad traffic in Joburg, so there were some unexpected time constraints. Also... we got through the border post very quickly, because it was after dark. No beltings or beatings this time.

    And Lyndsey... packing WAS traumatic. I was up until 6:30am getting everything sorted, which made me ruined the next day. I'm more worried about packing my life to go to Europe and then home pretty soon. That is going to be a mission. Also, I come home three weeks from today.

  4. I am getting a little nervous with all this traveling. Please be safe and use that smart brain God gave you. Be alert and eat healthy. I know you have many guardian angels watching over you. I will pray for you. Have fun, smile often, be kind to everyone you meet and enjoy every moment. Savor them. Get meet those pants!Lol....Love you so much, Godspeed
