
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wanted: One UW Credit Union Debit Card


If found: please return to me! Ugh. I can't find my wallet. And I don't know where it is. Luckily it only had my one debit card, my driver's license, ISIC card, and insurance card, all of which I have copies of on my computer.

I canceled the card. Now I hope I find the wallet. I bought that at Target with Kyle, David, and Eric so long ago... it was such a good wallet. Eff.
Developing (8:11pm): It has been found! I had a pretty doldrums day after losing it, and apparently someone found the wallet and my UW Housing business card inside. She emailed my Housing account, got my Out of Office message, and talked to Mike, my boss. This is awesome! No word yet on whether the debit card is there, but it's already been canceled.


  1. I'm sorry Shaunski. I hope you find your things! You should keep everything in a fanny pack. Typical American tourist like. ;)

  2. Or get one of those under the shirt fanny pack things! My mom swears by them and wears one whenever she travels-Even if it is only to Michigan....

  3. PS: I think it is incredible that those business cards we made this summer actually came in handy outside of the country, haha.

  4. who needs a debit card when you stole all of my credit card information?

  5. Wow, I bet Mike was a little surprised when he was contacted by someone from South Africa, lol. I'm glad a good samaritan found it! That's why purses are better :)
